Flags of Time (FoT-1)

map pack


Flags of Time (FoT-1) map pack

Timewarp Crew - Unreal Playground

Game Types: CTF (11 maps ***)

Released (v1.0) August 12 2005 (Map Raider)

Released (v2.0) August 25 2005 (Map Raider)

"Flags-of-Time" is the first map pack of the "FoT" series by TimeWarp Crew (an invited group of authors led by Swanky and Milb). The goal was to provide high quality CTF maps for the remaining UT community. FoT-1 included 11 maps (shortly after release a version 2 map pack was released that was reduced to 8 maps, as some of the original authors decided to withdraw their contributions for one reason or another).

Mappers: Swanky, Koeckchen, Derdak2rot, milb, HortonsWho, and FraGnBraG (maps withdrawn: Chrysaor, KingMango and L.J.Paranoid).

Download note: The original FoT-1 map pack was hosted at Beyond Unreal until BU killed FileWorks hosting. During the time the file was there it had several thousands of downloads. The Map Raider download is still available so you can get it from there if you don't already have the map pack.

Note: Timewarp Crew promotional images are used by permission.

Incuded in the list of maps below are the map scores from the official Beyond Unreal - Insite Review.