DOM 300K Nali Monsters


DOM 300K Nali Monsters

UT DOM - 4 CP - Large, 8-16 players. Medieval Fantasy domain. Released Dec 2008.

Map #5 for Blito3's Annual 300k Contest, Nov-Dec 2008. This map was actually a test map i made in 2001 to test the controlling of monster spawning. Later on, when i was a member of UnrealEd_Exe (aka this nice fellow known as Techno_JF (of UnrealSP fame) made me special Mutator script called "MonsterNoScore".

This script allowed you to spawn monsters in UT matches and kill them without increasing your frags. This was meant for me to use in some "monster" maps I was planning or working on at the time (example DM-Whacky World of Pain) but as per usual I never finished any of them, lol!

Fast-forward to today - After releasing "Newfies", I was digging around and found this old test map and decided to see if I could make a DOM out of it. Good news!

Everything just fit into 300K, monsters n' all, so here it is in all it's glorious fuggliness :)

It is an annoyingly fun DOM map, where never ending streams of Unreal monsters make keeping control rather difficult. Important Note: you need to Set bNoMonsters = false in your UnrealTounament.ini to be able to spawn the monsters, otherwise it's just a regular map :)

Many thanks to Blito3, for the FUN contest, also Tom_caT for testing, and a long-belated special thanks to Techno_JF for making the "MonsterNoScore" mutator for me years ago! After all this time I finally used it in a some released maps!

Music is BotMca9 from the game Unreal Tournament.