CTF 300K Castle Frag


CTF 300K Castle Frag

UT CTF - Medium, 6-12 players. Medieval castle CTF! Released December 2006.

Map #4 for Blito3's 300K Mapping contest, held at Unreal Playground Nov-Dec 2006. This one's a CTF set in some old Castle somewhere in the UT universe. Actually made most of this map in one 4 hour twitch, then fiddled with it a bit over the next week or so.

Every so often you used to see a CTF map where the flags are right beside each other, but separated by a glassed wall or some such thing (I know Bot_40 made one, but I can't think of the map name, another was CTF-burning which I remember playing a lot on servers in the old days). When I released CastleFrag for testing, the UP guys discovered a thin wall exploit in the flag rooms pretty damn fast and that made for really short matches, lol!

So I had to fix this by making the wall a lot thicker :p

Unfortunately for this map, the gameplay is abit iffy - it has a really convoluted layout, and so it is easy to get screwed up as to direction. Dunno what I was thinking, but I don't particularly like the resulting gameplay, although once used to it, it's not that hard. At least there are route options for the FC. You might like it, might not. Is what it is...

Many thanks to Hostile, TarnationSauce2 and Lord Kafer for finding and discussing the FC thin wall death flag exploit :o. (I totally missed it, but the final version is good.) Altogether, Castle Frag took about 8 hours to make, including the fix. Many Thanks to Blito3 for having the 300K challenge! Music is Strider from the game Unreal Tournament.