CTF4 FNB Space Port


CTF4 FNB Space Port

UT CTF4 - Large, 16-24 players. Orbital Liandri Resort! Released September 2012.

2012 Project - Liandri Orbital Resort Complex. Well, sorta looks like it could be a spaceport if you don't think about it too much :). Multi-elevation CTF4 action for up to 24 players (or 4 to 6 players per team). With bots it's best to use Masterful or Adept skill setting, otherwise capping may be too easy.

The map features slight Low-gravity so it feels more zippy than floaty, and when combined with jumpboots and a x-pickup doublespeed powerup you can launch like a freakin' rocket! Many thanks to UT99.org and the makers of UTR XPickups :)

Note this map requires the CTF4 mutator (not included), which is available for download from http://www.uncommonplace.com/games/ctf4.html.



CTF FNB Urban Space Port

Late 2001 - Without missing a step, the DM map "Urban Space Port" became a CTF. I eventually dropped the "Urban" part of the map name because it sounded a bit silly.

After some experimenting with flag positions, I ended up adding these large platforms to opposite corners of the highest cargo level (right below "street level") Level 4 of 7. Added the obligatory CTF red and blue lighting, CTF textures, and Defense points were also added.

CTF game play proved shall we say "iffy" :/ The flag carrier bot would run on the flag level only. Whenever he got knocked down to lower levels, he usually never found his way back up and would eventually get stranded or killed. Not too good. Now this behavior is easy for me to fix nowadays, but back in 2001 I was quite bot-stupid :)

After flirting with the idea of releasing a BETA, I decided to abandon the CTF version.

Note that I found a zip file for a BETA release of the CTF map that contained a readme that had a filedate of 2003. The UNR in the zip was renamed to have FNB in name, so it seems I must have been planning to upload the CTF map to Unreal Playground for some reason. I'm pretty sure I did not release a CTF beta of spaceport, although I did make the DM BETA version available briefly in 2003 to get community feedback.

Following that, I deleted the CTF specific actors and added in DOM points (one on each level) to see whether the bots would move properly between levels. Turns out they had no problems at all finding the DOM points - all 6 of them - that BOT behavior was really weird! That mean to me the bad BOT performance in the CTF map was actually due to doing a shitty job with bot bathing. Anyhow, at this point the map was ready to developing into a DOM, with no plans remaining for CTF version (until a CTF4 version came along - much later on, but that's another story :)