The Elemental Races

The world of Aea is split into many realms and sub-realms, all corresponding to a relationship between the five primary elements: Earth, Air, Fire, Water, and Void (more details about this complex inter-relationship can be found on the Religion main page).

Listed below is information about the dominant species of the major elemental realms:

The Marid:

These beings are elementals from the Realm of Water, and the self-appointed masters of that realm. Beautiful and powerful, the Marid are pledged to service of their immortal king, Jerah.

Marid Faris (Medium Elemental Outsider Swimmer/Walker — 120 XP): Str 14, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 18; SZ M (1×1, Reach 1); Spd 40 ft. swim, 30 ft. ground; Init IV; Atk IV; Def V; Resilience VI; Health V; Comp IV; Skills: Impress X, Medicine V, Sense Motive V, Spellcasting V; Spells: Move Water, Polar Ray II, Water Breathing, Water Walk:Mass, Winter's Domain II; Qualities: aquatic II, attractive I, class ability (Paladin: lay on hands; Sage: take heart), damage defiance (bows, edged), devoted (Water II), honorable, interests (Alignment: Al-Jerah), spell defense III, telepathic.

Attacks/Weapons: Curved Longsword (dmg 1d12+2 lethal; hook; threat 20), metal shield (dmg 1d4+2 subdual; threat 20; qualities: guard +2), Slam II (damage type: subdual; aligned: Water; grab; reach 1)

Gear: Blessed breastplate (partial platemail: DR 4; Resist Blunt 1, Divine 4; DP –3; ACP –3; Spd –5 ft.; Disguise: obvious)

Treasure: 2M, 1T

The Aetheriel:

Divine beings from the Realm of Air. Iopater demands, and thus far has received, absolute loyalty from these creatures. Aetheriels are held to be the highest embodiment of good and righteousness among followers of the Sallustrian Church. Aetheriel Herald (Medium Elemental Outsider Flyer/Walker — 109 XP): Str 10, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 18; SZ M (1×1, Reach 1); Spd 60 ft. flight, 30 ft. ground; Init II; Atk III; Def VII; Resilience VI; Health V; Comp IV; Skills: Acrobatics VII, Impress X, Resolve V, Spellcasting VI; Spells: Detect Chaos, Feather Fall, Gust of Wind, Heroism II, Lightning Bolt II, Protection from Chaos; Qualities: attractive II, class ability (Courtier: with a word; Priest: benediction), damage defiance (divine, edged, sonic), damage immunity (electrical), devoted (Air II), honorable, interests (Alignment: Iopater), telepathic.Attacks/Weapons: Boar spear (dmg 1d8 lethal; threat 19–20; qualities: guard +1, reach +1), Open the Seal (sonic damage attack II: 5 ft. blast increment; dmg 1d6 sonic per 2 TL, Ref DC 15 for 1/2 damage)Gear: Silver trumpet (masterwork musical instrument) Treasure: 1M, 1T


The gegas are the children of the Realm of Earth. Both dwarves and giants are related to this race, although giants claim lineage through Earth Queen Ge and Qinghis, and the dwarves preference to crafting and knowledge as opposed to pure might has made them significantly smaller and weaker than their otherworldly ancestors. Gegas Marauder (Huge Elemental Outsider Walker — 119 XP): Str 24, Dex 9, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 10; SZ H (4×4, Reach 2); Spd 60 ft. ground; Init I; Atk III; Def V; Resilience II; Health VI; Comp I; Skills: Athletics VI; Qualities:damage reduction 6, darkvision II, fearless II, improved stability, knockback, lumbering, natural spell (Move Earth 5, Shatter 1, Tinker II 2, Wall of Stone 5, War Cry 8), tough II.Attacks/Weapons: Slam IV, Maul (2d10+7 subdual; 19–20; Massive; H/2h)Treasure: 2L


The ohni (or Oni) are the dominant species of the Realm of Fire. Although loyal to their current queen Onihime, the ohni shift alliances quickly and tend to follow whoever is currently the strongest and most influential. With this in mind, Onihime relies on fear rather than love to buy her people’s continued loyalty.Ogre(T) Ohni Battlemaster (Large Elemental Outsider Walker — 114 XP): Str 16, Dex 10, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 15; SZ L (2×2, Reach 1); Spd 30 ft. ground; Init V; Atk IV; Def IV; Resilience IV; Health IV; Comp III; Skills: Disguise IX, Intimidate VIII, Resolve IV, Spellcasting III, Tactics VIII; Spells: Elemental Shield:Fire, Scare II, Scorching Ray; Qualities: achilles heel (cold), banned action (Outmaneuver, Tumble), class ability (Captain: battle planning I (crush them!, press on!), take heart), damage immunity (fire), fearless I, feat (Battlefield Trickery, Coordinated Attack, Coordinated Move, Fire Brave, Fire Elder), frenzy II, menacing threat, spell defense I, tough I.Attacks/Weapons: Kanabō (2d8+2 lethal; 20; Massive, Ogre; M/2h)Gear: Moderate scalemail with light fittings (DR 5; Resist Edged 3; DP –2; ACP –2; Spd –5 ft.; Disguise obvious), standard Treasure: 1A, 2C, 1M


Sometimes called ‘Lilin’ (Gnomish, Agadian) or ‘Boggarts’ (Nemedian), these are spirits in service of and hailing from The Void. The most ancient and powerful of these are the spirits of departed Devi and the ancient Dragons. The listing below is for an attendant of Nirgal, current lord of the underworld. Wraith Lord (Medium Spirit Walker — 120 XP): Str 12, Dex 10, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 22; SZ M (1×1, Reach 1); Spd 40 ft. ground; Init V; Atk II; Def III; Resilience IV; Health IV; Comp IX; Skills: Bluff IX, Haggle VIII; Qualities: bright II, class ability (Captain: battle planning IV (crush them!, fire at will!, I want them alive!, no prisoners!, stand fast!, steady now!), virtues of command I; Keeper: bright idea II), contagion immunity, darkvision II, feat (Ambush Basics, Knife Basics), interests (Alignment: Nirgal), invisibility, natural spell (Detect Emotion , Detect Magic , Identify I , Read Magic , Status , Tongues I , Whispers ).Attacks/Weapons: Long Knife (dmg 1d6+1 lethal; threat 19–20; qualities: Finesse, keen 4, Poisonous), Perplexing Riddle (baffling IV: aura 30ft. radius)Mounts and Vehicles: Nightmare (Spd 100 ft. flight, 40 ft. (Run 200 ft.); Travel 10; SZ/Def L/V)Gear: Agonizing poison, 3 dosesTreasure: 2M, 1T