Poem Of The Month: September 2010

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For September I have chosen five poems taken from Sue Moules' collection 'The Earth Singing.'


Fine filigree

a space of blown soap.

It rests on the grass,

rainbow curves

ready to disappear.

Children blow

these dreams

into air.


Light notes of the flute

flutter in white splashes,

fall on the ground, melt.

A silver slurry

holds its notes

in a curtain of air.


In this dark time

earth turns

wind, rain and snow

into renewal.

There are moments

of holy light,

when low sun

skims the land,

dazzles with its aura.


Perfect white buttons

in the grass,

their pink frills hidden

under canopies.

So white,

their flesh pushes

through the earth.

Nothing tastes better.


This room

a rectangle of dappled light,

a surge from the ancient beeches.

Fountains of green reflect,

beyond ghosts caught

in a mist of history.

Copyright © Sue Moules 2010

All rights reserved

The author has asserted her/his right under Section 77

of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988