Poem Of The Month: December 2011
For December's Poem of the Month, I have chosen the poem No World At All by Frank Gillougley.
It is taken from his collection Notes from the Life of a Wall Dweller
Driving through Corsica with friends,
late one night in February 1984,
we listened to the car radio, tuning
across a cacophony of French and Italian DJ’s
fading in and out of the ether.
Almost thirty years later, just as if it was then,
I am still comforted by the memory of the sound
of radio waves bouncing across the Mediterranean:
The sound of many worlds and of no world at all.
We sailed to Livorno the following day
Copyright © Frank Gillougley 2011
All rights reserved
The author has asserted his right under Section 77
of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988
to be identified as the author of this work.