Poem Of The Month: June 2013
For June's Poem of the Month I have chosen the poem 'After the Storm' by Martin J. Byrne. It is taken from his collection Words to a Peace Lily at the Gates of Morning.
After the storm, the river changes,
It bursts its belly concaving forward,
High spiritual tides bless the harbour wall,
Sand banks are domesticated by rippling waters,
Serenity has risen ashore once more.
A whim of salmon silver holds lobster pots,
This old town dormers its halo over the horizon,
Beech leaves meander and sycamore twigs dance,
At the verge a vagrant wild honey bibs and bobs,
A summer breeze is a lute and the tide is a lyre.
The rivers strategy is dependent on time,
A convolution of man and earth,
A water hen tenses betwixt the reeds,
A shrew skips along the bank into its caked nest,
a moment of harmony man has forgotten to formulate.
Violent River by Petr Kratochvil
Copyright © Martin J.Byrne 2013
All rights reserved
The author has asserted her/his right under Section 77
of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988
to be identified as the author of this work.
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data.
A catalogue record for this book is available from
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