Poem Of The Month: June 2014

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For June's Poem of the Month, I have chosen the poem 'Nothing is Still' by Martin Domleo.

It is taken from his collection Increasing the Denominator.


Everything moves, outside, inside,

diamond, tungsten, dust.

On the switchback ride

along the curved horizon,

nothing is still.

Now is history –

as soon as you’ve said it.

There’s no escaping one-way Time:

onwards, forwards

until Rush Hour comes,

you collection of particles, you.

Things are thrown awry,

stretched and pulled;

spiralling galaxies claw at the lip,

pause, topple and lunge

like grape-shot

back into the barrel.

No crush, no queuing,

no turning back

from the face-to-face

fracture too swift for thought.

Clocks stop:

end of matter,

end of dreams,

The End.

Only nothing is still.

Until, until… the next odds-off lottery

lines up ten million digits;

with a showman’s shout,

dares to disturb perfect peace.

Image by David Riding

If you enjoy this poem,

why not buy a copy of this collection.

Copyright © Martin Domleo 2014

All rights reserved

The author has asserted her/his right under Section 77

of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988

to be identified as the author of this work.

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data.

A catalogue record for this book is available from

the British Library

If you enjoyed the poem 'Nothing is Still', why not buy a copy of Increasing the Denominator by Martin Domleo.
