Poem Of The Month: January 2015

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For January's Poem of the Month, I have chosen the poem 'Night Aria' by Aine MacAodha.

It is taken from her collection Landscape of Self.


Sounds of closing time ring out from the garage floor court

the dog groans in her sleep at the distant sound of tyres

spinning wildly in circles on the tar. Someone’s idea of fun.

Reading late into the night the air gets colder just before dawn.

In the company of birdsong; they care not for time on a clock

out do each other in a frenzy of thrills, defending territories.

They seem to snooze very little as night blends into day yet

songs of the scolding black bird in the undergrowth

sends me over the mountain to sleep; eventually.

Image by Adam Rudden

You can read more of Aine's poems in her new collection "Landscape of Self".

Copies are available to purchase below.