Poem Of The Month: November 2014

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For November's Poem of the Month, I have chosen the poem 'In an arid landscape slender figures' by Michael Bartholomew-Biggs.

It is taken from his collection Pictures from a Postponed Exhibition.


In an arid landscape, slender figures

curved as question marks

enact bewilderment at being

found beneath acrylic sky.

Space is what the sun can burn

and time’s the tallying of drawn-out days

on brittle limbs of stunted trees.

Painted figures cannot speak

but they can mime and want

stiff gestures recognized.

So extract a narrative

from each now in front of you

and a dozen thens remembered

or imagined down the gallery.

Ignore the hundred nevers

missing from the catalogue.

From the blind side of survival

sudden gusts come perfumed with suspicions

groves of foliage were left behind

before there was a word for garden.

Copyright Artwork © David Walsh 2014

Copyright Text © Michael Bartholomew Biggs 2014

All rights reserved

The author has asserted her/his right under Section 77

of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988

to be identified as the author of this work.

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data.

A catalogue record for this book is available from

the British Library.

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