Poem Of The Month: August 2011

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For August's Poem of the Month, I have chosen a selection of poems from Martin Burke's forthcoming collection For / Because of / After.



(is it Autumn?)





Beyond - more than - outranking nostalgia

Your hair

its lusciousness its lusciousness

(It is Autumn but your hair is not brown)

The hours turning in on themselves

As I turn again - as I always have

Towards You

custodian of your own beauty

You say: a kiss, kiss me

I do

There is no nostalgia in this - not even for the present.


Salt-wave spumes attend the leaf-work of years.

Does Autumn begin or end in this leaf?

Time is a nut in a shell which opens me as I open it.

Sunday: in dreams lies my true sleep

(nor ghosts attend

nor charge me with infidelity)

Sunday. A darkness. Poppies in memory.

The moon. Its blood-beams.


Were it not for the darkness of the sex of the loved one….

Let the window allow the world to witness this entwining!

Heartbeat. Unrest. Stone. Flower.

Yet on in that darkness…

Time will forgive time


As for I -


As if in some ghostly conversations with a ghost….

Bitter almonds. A tradition. A necessity. Almost sacred.

As the poem wants to be

(see me - almonds and language my companions)

You above all others

You as no other than you

A cruel landscape yet the landscape indifferent

To pain

I remember - cannot forget - will not - never - never

Death saw fit to walk with us.

I remember.

The three of us



As if a ghostly conversation with a ghost

Was necessary to the life I live

and will until the river…..


I: ritual, candle, ancient, custom of words

Where the dead are more real than the living as Dante foresaw

History’s wind battering the flame

Other flames

Remorse for words unsaid to the dead

To speak a blessing

The river calling in a manner I so far refuse


Unrelenting. As if history condemned them

To it.


In air.

In earth.

Planting the seeds of themselves

Before death panted its shadow

On them.

Which it did

With all its intentions.

Laughing at, undoing, what they did

When all that they did

Was to dig in the air, in the earth,

A trench for their grief to bed down in.


Into the world, out of the world

With my thought my every thought my gentle, open one



As if nothing had ever died

As if everything was at the first moment of birth

A sun

(the one out of the old traditions)

Came to bless the inhabitants - all the inhabitants

Where the silence was as masterful as any lyric could have been

(indeed, the silence was a lyric)

And light

again from the traditions but exceeding the traditions

As if it existed before its name was uttered

Yet thrilled vibrantly within your throat

When I kissed it with the first of many kisses



Even Eden is unguarded

Cold burning of moonlight

Cold burning of the moon on reeds

(this can be seen - is seen)


Earth under its nudity

(do not ask more than this)

It sees what I see

It will return

The hour will pass

The moon already freezes



(do not think this a Greek myth)

Some hand shuffles us on a loom

But no spirit enters our dust


Weaver of nothingness to this flowering substance

In which we may outlast the deities

Greece or any elsewhere - the where does not matter

Nothingness - yet a rose - a movement - language and location

Is it heaven which tears us from the earth we are rooted to?

No-man singing of thorns

Until -


Shadows. As dark as my mind’s necessities.

Yet even they cannot conceal the wound.

A landscape drenched in its own nakedness

Where nothing abides

Not even silence can articulate it.


Circling me

More real than any life I might have lived

The death-woman

Tonight the stars can only mimic themselves

There are night-birds, moon and stars

But I can make no connection

My name is already engraved on the urn of my heart.

Leaf by Anna Cervova

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Copyright © Martin Burke 2011

All rights reserved

The author has asserted her/his right under Section 77

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to be identified as the author of this work.