Poem Of The Month:May 2010

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Founders of Lapwing Publications

Poems by Dennis Greig

Taken From December Days

Poems by Rene Greig

Taken From Through a Hedge Backwards


The steel I work is the poem I write,

hour by stanzaic hour.

Tidal is the light yawed and yawned

between clocking-on and off.

A Moiré fringe measures

the precise length of a field

diameter of a hill

and substantiates our circle,

but only to light’s approximations.

Home and love:

always handfuls of scrap astray

in our marginalia, ignored errors,

safety in numbers, formulae,

but a precisely measured, machined pin

won’t fit its own match in a honed bore,


and two identical lives

will not accommodate each other

in God’s man-engineered earth.

The steely poem,

work’s stanzaic imperfection,

gives measurement to

my flawed hours,

and the poem I work

is the steel I write.


There in the distance

lines of men

some singing, laughing,

crying, saying,

“Dear comrades in arms remember when…”

There in the street

women of grief

some singing, laughing,

crying, saying,

“Dear sisters in sorrow remember when …”

There in the prison cells

our children

some singing, laughing

crying, saying,

“Dear mother and father remember when…”

There forgotten

the men, women and children

and all of them victims

some singing, laughing

crying, saying

“Dear fugitive future remember us when


Brick by stone by brick,

memory by slate by memory,

Stone by brick by stone,

slate by memory by slate.

Deconstruct a house, a home,

time plays slow motion tricks,

weed seed stuck on fuzzy bee’s legs

settles new cracks in red brick walls:

Walls collapse of their own volition,

and the magpie, with his bright blue tail,

surveys his new nested palace,

watches the rainbow ring around the moon,

nature returns, reclaims her own.

Bee by seed by bee,

crack by walls by crack,

seed by bee by seed,

walls by crack by walls.


Last night’s bonfire passions

strained to stay alive.

Smoke subdued the U.V.F.

wall mural’s severe reality.

Ashes told a bedtime story ¾

all that remained, the springs.

Recumbent on the grass

he sprawled beside the ashes.

Black suit concealing dirty vest.

Grubby white trainers

had seen better days.

We believed he was dead.

Who but the dead would rest

beside a smouldering bonfire?

A boom, a boom, a boom, boom, boom ¾

The big bass drum boomed,

snare drums took up the cause -

a-ratatat-tat, a-ratatat-tat,

a-rat ¾ a-rat ¾ a-rat-ta-tat,

‘Oh it’s old but it is beautiful’

accordions played the melody

as ‘The Sash’ engulfed the chit-chat.

He sat up, looked puzzled,

stood up, groomed his jacket,

staggered off pursuing the band.

X marks the bits of us


Behind closed doors wait certain situations;

Entering my bedroom I surprised - her!

Head on my pillow, body in his arms;

I suppose that explains

stray treacherous hairs flecking his clothes,

short blonde strands on my pillow.

The both of us are dark;

I mean me - and - him!

She stares back - I stare back;

her brown limpid eyes plead,

I mean

what would the neighbours say?

The broom-tree’s seedcases

fissling by the bedroom window?

Its laughter that only I could hear.

The mop’s head intimate

in the mouth of the bucket?

Choking giggles underwater.

The gullible vacuum-cleaner

slouching in the cupboard?

All the wind out of its bag.

Missing …”


Every bullet was engineered

to an interference fit,

to its own calibre.

Not a loose rattle down

worn gun-grooves

but a rifled apology

exploded from muzzles.

Of course, you suffered that.

Explored and plundered,

cracked air and bone;

parabolas whipped through

miles ultimately earthwards.


record every fault and flaw,

post-mortems on my blundered work

detailed each night’s

scrapped diameters.

There are days omitted,

when no one admits,


whose coarse hand

performed this task.

Its cause, some force

matched brain to brawn

for mythical worlds

beyond talk’s narrow limits,

our tongue’s broad skill.


You should have seen the fires.

Belfast’s obsession inflamed his song.

“My kind of town …”

The shrill excitement

of fire-bells and sirens,

syringed its hatred

into sinewy city.

His binoculars trained down

to the kilned town below,

its salt and clay glaze

fixed that terror in his eyes,

he sweated

back in the Belfast blitz.

Helpless now myself,

I feel that hexed star,

the scorch and scar

of who I am

on sleeve and heart

and hear fire-brigades,

ambulances, unmarked cars

screech on their way

to a house in the Diaspora

where apostles

and pyromaniac uncles write …

“You should have seen the Belfast-fires.”

Copyright © Dennis Greig 2007

All rights reserved

The author has asserted her/his right under Section 77

of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988

to be identified as the author of this work.


She won’t submit to winter:

October’s displaced night,

flaying rain along Brown’s Bay,

sand-blown its road,

she copulates photographs;

Does everything originate from darkness?

She won’t submit to winter:

Disdaining forecast rains,

cocooned in fluffy cardigan, open-toed sandals,

her steps measure last night’s pug-milled mud,

rain-washed downhill past her bus-stop.

She won’t give in to winter:

fortyish, in middle-age’s swathing spread.

She still anticipates nappies, wakeful nights.

Someone small, newly out of season

would verify her winter never comes.

Copyright © Rene Greig 1999

All rights reserved

The author has asserted her/his right under Section 77

of the Copyright, Design and Patents Act 1988

to be identified as the author of this work.