High Frequency Mastery Task

Mastery Task

Reading high-frequency words with automaticity.


Prepare a list of previously taught words on flashcards or a piece of paper for students to read.




  1. Tell the student: Today you are going to read words that we’ve been practicing. When I show you a word, read the word. If you don’t know it, it’s okay to say you don’t and we’ll practice it.
  2. Show the student a word. If the student reads it correctly, mark it correct. If the student does not read it correctly, put it it aside or mark it on the list and return to those words after the assessment to practice.

Note: You may provide a few words that the student has not had exposure to yet as a pre-test before introducing new words.


When given a list of 10-50 words, the student will read 100% with automaticity.

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FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

How do you know if the students are ready for a Mastery Task?

We recommend administering a Mastery Task after an intervention, or targeted teaching of that skill, has been in place for 3 weeks. If a student appears to have mastered the skill before then, we recommend administering the Mastery Task.

What do I do with the results of the Mastery Task?

Using the results to guide your next lessons is a proactive approach to target weak skills or advance to the next skill level for students.