Schools and Colleges

We give support, training and funding to schools and colleges in the region to help them get involved in research.

Helping schools and colleges take part in research

Schools and colleges play a pivotal role in young people’s health and wellbeing. It is a time when health and unhealthy habits and behaviours can not only form, but also become established.

By getting involved in UK-wide and global research studies, with a focus on the health and wellbeing of children and young people, students can learn about different types of research and gain skills and confidence at an early age.

We are supporting educational institutes in research, enabling them to play a part in improving the health of children and young people. By participating, they can build new knowledge, bridge gaps in research, apply knowledge to practice, and share learning across the network.

Video: Dr Catherine Richards, Principal at East Norfolk Sixth Form College, explains why they decided to get involved in research and the benefits of taking part.