Public Research Champions

A Public Research Champion (PRC) is a volunteer who is passionate about promoting research to patients, members of the public and healthcare professionals. 

There is no minimum requirement for time spent in the role or ongoing commitment. Volunteers can do as much or as little as they like depending on how, when and where they are available. Through their work they help Trusts to inform patients of research studies in which they may be eligible to participate.

The role of the PRC could be any of the following: 

CRN East of England supports the development of PRCs in the East of England Region through regular networking events. We can provide support to Trusts in the recruitment of PRCs and the development of the role within the Trust.

For more information visit the NIHR's Research Champions Page

PRCs: Leading the way in public engagement 

Trusts across the region have been working on projects with PRCs to help raise the profile of research with staff, patients and the local community.

PRCs at the Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust have produced some fantastic, patient friendly information, making their own information leaflets. They have also written articles championing research that have been published in the Eastern Daily Press and the Trust's Pulse magazine. PRCs also hosted stands around the Trust to showcase their questionnaire which hopes to broaden the conversation around research and assess staff and patients awareness of research.

At Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, PRCs have been taking their work out into the community. One PRC held a session in a local library to raise the profile of research. The hospital also hosted a fete where people could find out about taking part in research and what PRCs do to further the cause. 

North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust held a "thank you" event for everyone that took part in a glaucoma trial. This was so successful, it was picked up by other trusts to show their gratitude to their volunteers. Teams have created a new role-play training programme for those PRCs; who have no first hand experience of research, this will help them understand the process and empathise with participants. They have also developed a workshop delivered to local schools to educate young people about the importance of research.

Meet some of our fantastic Public Research Champions

Ron Flewett

Ron is very grateful to previous trial participants, as it was thanks to them that he received a new treatment for his lung condition. 

He is now determined to follow their example, and to do his bit for furthering research. He believes that the more potential cures and treatments that are investigated, the more hope there is for those with a condition that is currently difficult to treat.

Ron Flewett

David Smith 

David became a keen advocate for research and a prominent PRC after he had surgery on a dissected artery. 

David is very thankful to the years of surgical research that helped save his life. Being a PRC enables him to give something back and help people in a similar situation to himself. 

He believes his position as a patient allows him to offer a different perspective on research when meeting with health professionals, and as such can help them to make sure different  experiences and accessibility needs are taken into account when recruiting new research participants. 

David Smith

Paul Charlton 

Paul is one of our most experienced champions having been involved in research for over 8 years. 

After experiencing several family members suffer ill health,  Paul wanted take part in research and become a vocal advocate to improve treatment, care and health management. 

Paul now sits on the NIHR funding panel as a public member and is a lay member of NHS and social care governance groups. 

Paul is passionate about talking to patients about research on their terms, making language and materials as accessible as possible. 

Paul Charlton

We currently have Public Research Champions working in partnership with 10 of the region's Trusts

Further information 

Public Research Champions Handbook

Public Research Champions NHS Staff Guide

To find out more about Public Research Champions contact Anne Kirby, PPIE Manager, by emailing her on or calling 01603 287670.

Delivering research to make patients, the NHS and social care, better