NIHR Campaigns

We know that clinical trials could not happen without the involvement of patients and the public, and everyone has a right to take part in research. 

However, not everyone knows research is happening in the NHS and social care, or how to get involved. The NIHR and our own CRN East of England team have developed a number of campaigns to help get the conversations started, and everyone is welcome to use them!

Be Part of Research

Be Part of Research is the NIHR's flagship campaign to raise awareness of public and patient involvement in research. 

The website makes it easier then ever before for members of the public in find out about relevant research that is local to them. 

Find out more.

Be Part of Research Logo

Join Dementia Research

Join Dementia Research is a website and telephone service which allows people to register their interest in finding out more information, and allows those who register to potentially be matched to a suitable study.

If you are a researcher who is looking for people to take part in a dementia study, you can use the site to link up with patients and members of the public who might be interested in taking part.

Find out more.

Join Dementia Research Logo

Rebo's Research Adventure

Rebo's Research Adventure is a free video game app about taking part in research which is available to download on IOS and Android tablets. It is a great way to start a conversation about the importance of research with young people and adults alike.

Why not download it to your tablet and take it to events to help break the ice? Alternatively, tell your paediatrics teams about Rebo, so that they can pass the information on to patients and their families. 

Find out more.

Rebo's Research Adventure Logo

Your Path In Research 

Your Path in Research is aimed at early career researchers and those thinking about starting their research career path. It aims to help staff find the best training.

It is aimed at encouraging people to go into research and helping early career researchers find the best networking, training and professional development opportunities. 

The campaign launched with corresponding promotional materials, which can be ordered from the NIHR online store

Find out more about the Your Path in Research campaign.

Your Path in Research Logo

If you have any questions about any of our NIHR campaigns please contact our Communications Team

If you would like more information about patient and public involvement (PPIE) in NIHR research, please get in touch with our PPIE team.

Delivering research to make patients, the NHS and social care, better