Online working

Now that more people are working online than ever before, we have developed this site to provide some tips and guidance to help with the processes involved.

Virtual meetings and conferences

There are a growing number of online platforms which enable us to hold meetings and conferences virtually. Although they offer the achievement of a similar goal, they are varied in their functionality and use, so here are a few guides to help you in operating the primary ones being used in the NHS:

Google Meet (and other NIHR Hub apps)

MS Teams

Zoom (company guidance)

Zoom (NIHR Learn guidance)

NHS Digital IG advice

This advice note sets out the information governance considerations when staff are using video conferencing (VC) tools to communicate with other members of staff. 

Slow running computer?

After a while, your computer can get a bit full up with all the online searches and downloads you have done, so clearing your cache might help. Here is a guide which shows you how to do this.

If you have any related online working support information that could be added to this page, please email