Research Internship Scheme

The Internship Scheme provides dedicated funding for, nurses, midwives and allied healthcare professionals (NMAHPs) who are new to research, an opportunity to work alongside experienced research teams.

Our third Research Internship Scheme

The CRN East of England Research Internship Scheme aims to build capacity and capability to deliver research across the region by increasing access to research opportunities, and is aimed at Nurses, Midwives, Allied Healthcare Professionals (NMAHPs) and non-medic healthcare professionals who are not working in research as part of their current role. 

“New to Research” NMAHP staff will be able to apply for an internship (funding for up to 0.2 WTE for 3 months) to work alongside an experienced research team in supporting the delivery of an NIHR portfolio studies. 

The Scheme differs from the national Associate Principal Investigator (PI) scheme in that it is shorter (3 months’ duration rather than 6 months), backfill for your time will be paid by CRN East of England to your employer organisation, and the Scheme is aimed at staff who would like to gain research knowledge and how they can support this in their clinical role.

Applications closed on 19 April 2024 and the Internships started on 1 May 2024 and will finish on 31 July 2024.

Learning Objectives for the Internship Scheme

At the end of the Internship NMAHPs new to research will be able to:

Essential criteria

In order to receive a certificate of completion all Interns must complete the following:

Line Management, Mentoring and Support

Line management 

Line management will remain with the intern’s usual line manager. However, for the research days, the interns will report to a nominated member of the research team, who will liaise with the intern’s line manager for any HR related issues. 

Support and Mentorship

Support from the research team is vital to enable the NMAHPs to gain the most from this internship. A framework for the mentor/mentee relationship will be provided to support the conversations between mentee and mentor.

The Application Process

Assessment of applications

Meetings for Clinical Line Managers to find out more about the Scheme

Register now for one of the open Teams meeting for Clinical Line Managers to find out more about the Research Internship Scheme.

The meeting will cover the following topics:

The meetings will take place on: 

Thursday 21 March | 3:30pm - 4pm

Thursday 11 April | 3:30pm - 4pm

Please complete this form to book your place.

Further Information

For further information, including Roles and Responsibilities, please read the Research Internship Guidance Document.

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