Supporting your recruitment

We provide help and support for research staff to facilitate the delivery of high quality patient and public involvement and engagement (PPIE) during the delivery of their research studies. 

Recruitment enhancement tools 

These recruitment enhancement tools have been produced by CRN East of England following feedback from over 7000 people who completed the Participant in Research Experience Survey between 2015 and 2020. 

The aims of the documents are to give the researchers and research delivery teams a better understanding of the participant perspective. This is so that study design and delivery can enable the best participant experience possible, and ensures recruitment and retention is successful.

PRES Research  Enhancement Tool for researchers

PRES Research Enhancement Tool for Research Delivery Teams

Promoting Research 

Promoting research is vital,  whether it is to the public or  staff within a Trust. 

If you would like to request materials from the Patient Research Experience Survey or other CRN East of England PPIE work (such as quotes from participants' responses) to promote your research, you can contact Ann Rampling, our PPIE Administrator, who will try and provide you with something. 

Contact Ann via or on 01603 287 472.  

To discuss further opportunities for raising awareness of your research, please contact our Communications team.

The Power of Participant Stories: A guide for staff

We have developed 'The Power of Participant Stories', a new staff guide to helping your participants share their stories about taking part in NIHR research. 

The guide provides answers to some of the related questions you might have about the processes involved. 

It also includes a link to a Participant Information Flyer which you can print out to give to any participants you feel might be interested in sharing their story to help raise awareness of research.

PPIE COVID-19 Research PPIE resources

Delivering research to make patients, the NHS and social care, better