Research Inclusion Case Studies

Easy Read Resources

We have created Clinical Trials: An Easy Read Guide to help the public understand what it means to take part in clinical research. Designed for a wide audience, the guide include short, simple sentences and pictures that can support people with additional communication needs, but also anyone who is new to patient data and health and social care research. 

This guide would be suitable to give to people who are being invited to take part in a particular study.

What is Research?

Our team is also in the process of developing a new easy read booklet and animation which aim to help introduce the public to research, answering fundamental questions about what research is. 

Ahead of explaining what taking part in a clinical trial involves (as the above guide does) the booklet could be given to members of the public during initial conversations about research. The animation could be shared on digital platforms, such as in easy read areas of your organisation's website. 

Watch this space for further information about our What is Research? resources.

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT): REACH

NSFT Research developed and implemented REACH, a centralised research referral system for research volunteers which, along with enabling the team to support registrants, also engaged them in COVID-related research. This contributed to NSFT being one of the highest recruiting trusts nationally on the COVID-19 Psychological Impact Study during the first lockdown. This engagement has continued.

In response to Participant in Research Experience Survey feedback which stated that participants were not sure where to find the results of their research study, the team also developed a Research Completion Pack which is given to all people upon finishing their participation in a study. The Completion pack includes information including post-study contacts, newsletters and support.

The team also co-developed Welcome Packs which are given to all people referred to them, providing information about the team’s research, frequently asked questions and support. The team also worked with a group of children and adolescents to develop Children’s Research Activity Booklets which are sent out to all younger participants before the first appointment to help them prepare.

CRN East of England Cultural Competency e-learning package

Training is essential for all staff involved in research, including the CRN East of England core team. However, there is so much training available it can be hard to navigate and knowing which training to do can be overwhelming. 

Furthermore, as a result of Covid-19, it was recognised that the research carried out is not always inclusive of all the populations we serve and that we need to become culturally competent in our practice.

To address both needs, the CRN East of England Training team delivered an Innovation & Improvement project which could support the team. They developed an area on the Hub Home to give easy access to relevant training for the core team and created a new e-learning resource designed to help staff to be more culturally aware. 

This Cultural Competency e-learning package has now been completed by all core team staff, with new staff directed to complete it as part of their induction process.