Engaging Health and Social Care Professionals

This page provides more information on how CRN East of England works with local health and social care professionals to support the delivery of research. 

Opening the door to research

A key objective for the NIHR is to encourage health and care professionals to get involved in research. 

By supporting a research-positive culture in health and care organisations, patients can gain greater access to clinical research, improved care and a wider range of treatment options. 

NIHR Learn 

Within NIHR Learn, there are additional resources in the section called Research Engagement Collaborative.  

If you are:

Then CRN East of England may be able to help you! 

CRN East of England Research Engagement Strategy 

We have developed a research engagement strategy in collaboration with our partner organisations.

The vision is to have research embedded in the health and care sector, to create a research positive culture in which all health and care staff in the East of England feel empowered to support and participate in clinical and care research as part of their job.

Our objectives are:

Read the full Research Engagement Strategy.

If you would like to join the group or hear more about it, contact us at crne-researchengagement@nihr.ac.uk 

Embedding Research in NHS Care and Wider Health Services Guide

The NIHR have created a free webpage that details what clinical research staff need to know about supporting the further integration of research and care in the NHS and beyond. 

You'll find information here that should support you in interacting with non-research colleagues in your care settings. This might be facts and figures, messaging, reports, new strategic work or examples of approaches to research engagement. 

Visit the Embedding Research in NHS Care and Wider Health Services webpage

Best Patient Care, Clinical Research and You

This is an online guide to help busy non research staff become more aware of their impact on research in their Trust. 

It raises general awareness which should help research delivery in particular, but it also helps the Trust fulfil requirements of research elements in the CQC Well Led Framework and the NHS Long Term Plan. 

The guide is made up of a number of webpage guides which can be used on Trusts’ intranets. 

Links to more information about research policy and practice

Commercial clinical trials in the UK: the Lord O’Shaughnessy review

In February 2023, the government commissioned an independent review to offer recommendations on how to resolve key challenges in conducting commercial clinical trials in the UK and transform the UK commercial clinical trial environment. The review sets out 27 recommendations, including both priority actions to progress in 2023 and longer-term ambitions for UK commercial clinical trials.

Saving and Improving Lives: The Future of UK Clinical Research Delivery

In March 2022, the DHSC published Saving and Improving Lives: The Future of UK Clinical Research Delivery, which recognises that research is the single most important way in which healthcare can improve - by identifying new means to prevent, diagnose and treat disease. 

CQC Strategy from 2021

Published in May 2022, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) from 2021 strategy sets out a 'new strategy for the changing world of health and social care.' One of themes of the strategy is accelerating improvement through research to drive improvements across individual services and systems of care. 

Best Research for Best Health: The Next Chapter

In June 2022, the NIHR published the Best Research for Best Health: The Next Chapter, to outline the NIHR's operational priorities today and for the future. 

Delivering research to make patients, the NHS and social care, better