Our Strategic Objectives

Here are our CRN East of England Strategic Objectives, which focus on seven areas where the environment is changing or there are potential structural weaknesses  in which we need to work with urgency to deliver transformative change over the next five to ten years.

2022-23 CRN East of England Annual Planning

 We are working hard in collaboration with our regional Partner Organisations to deliver our Strategic Objectives for 2023-24, which align with the NIHR's Best Research for Best Health: The Next Chapter, published in June 2021. Please contact our team for more detailed information.

Research Inclusion: Our Strategic Vision 

Ways of working & our culture

Expand work in Places & Settings

Portfolio focus & development

Work with more East of England People

Develop & Foster our Partnerships

Widen participation

Reducing health inequalities in research: Our Strategic Plan 

What would equality in access to health research look like?

Who is affected by unequal access to health research?

What are our responsibilities?

What are our objectives?

How are we addressing inequalities?

The principles guiding our approach to reducing inequalities in access to research







Delivering research to make patients, the NHS and social care, better