Easy Read resources

Easy Read Resources

All members of the CRN East of England Core Team have undertaken 'Easy Read' training to help us communicate in more inclusive ways

We have also collaborated with inclusivity experts by experience to create the resources below in an 'easy read' format for those who may find them useful.

We are also keen to work with researchers to help them develop and adapt their study information and resources to reach more people, so please get in touch if you would like to discuss this.

Clinical Trials: An Easy Read Guide

We have created Clinical Trials: An Easy Read Guide to help the public understand what it means to take part in clinical research. 

Designed for a wide audience, the guide include short, simple sentences and pictures that can support people with additional communication needs, but also anyone who is new to patient data and health and social care research. 

This guide would be suitable to give to people who are being invited to take part in a particular study. 

Let us know if you would like us to send you any printed guides for sharing by emailing our Communications team at crneoe.comms@nihr.ac.uk.

What is Research? Booklet and Slide Set

We have developed a new easy read booklet and slide set which aim to help introduce the public to research, answering fundamental questions about what research is. 

Ahead of explaining what taking part in a clinical trial involves (as the above guide does) the booklet can be given to members of the public during initial conversations about research. The slide set can also be helpful when presenting to public audiences

Let us know if you would like us to send you any printed booklets for sharing by emailing our Communications team at crneoe.comms@nihr.ac.uk.

Watch this space for information about further easy read resources we're developing.