PPIE Innovation Grants 

Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Innovation Grants are awarded to teams.

Current PPIE Innovation Grant Schemes

The latest PPIE Innovation Grant Schemes call is now closed.

Information about the Schemes

Scheme One

Patient & Public Involvement & Engagement (PPIE) Innovation Grant Scheme 2024/25 

Awards of up to £3,500 per application are available to support diverse and inclusive patient and public involvement in research. 

Scheme Two

PARITY (widening participation and access to research) scheme 2024/25

Awards of up to £30,000 per application are available to increase participation in research studies in under-served communities.

Spending deadline - 30 September 2024

Funding will run until the end of the CRN contract (30 September 2024) in the first instance. If additional funding is available once we have transitioned to the new Regional Research Delivery Network (RRDN) we hope to be able to re-open/continue the scheme for the remainder of the financial year, restarting in October 2024. However, any funding awarded through this round of applications will need to be fully spent by 30th September 2024 to coincide with the end of the Clinical Research Network contract.


If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us at crneastofengland.ppie@nihr.ac.uk 

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Delivering research to make patients, the NHS and social care, better