I&I Tools and Resources 

You can access Innovation and Improvement tools and resources on this page.

Tools and Resources

There are a number of techniques, tools and methods you can apply to support you developing an idea.

A preferred model for Improvement across the NHS and at the NIHR Coordinating Centre is the Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) Cycle. 

This document describes:

Here is a video showing a brief overview of the cycle. 

There is also a useful template to support your project or projects, which you can find here. 

There are a variety of tools to support you as you work through the PDSA cycle. Follow this link to the NIHR Learn Continuous Improvement  page to learn more about the different techniques you can use to help you. 

The PDSA Resources, which you can find here, also provides a range of helpful links to use throughout your project lifecycle. 

The NHS has also created a 10 minute video, presented by Mike Davidge, which will take you through the necessary steps to assess the impact of your project. 

Make It Happen Doodle

Supra-network Collaboration

CRN East of England work with CRN West Midlands and CRN East Midlands to form what is called a Supra-network. 

We have a very active Supra-network I&I group who meet every 2 weeks to work collectively, share ideas, ensure a joined up approach to I&I and to discuss any improvement ideas submitted through our Ideas Cloud. 

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