Our Name Change

The full names of the NIHR and CRN East of England changed as of Wednesday 6 April 2022. These changes are being managed in a way to minimise the impact on our partners and stakeholders, but here is some useful information on the main changes.

NIHR name change

Although the NIHR acronym is staying the same, the expanded name is now the National Institute for Health and Care Research, acknowledging our expanding work in social care and non-hospital settings.

Our local CRN name change

Locally, we are now called the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Clinical Research Network (CRN) East of England.

New local website addresses

Below are the new addresses for our digital platforms. 

All old local CRN web addresses will redirect to the new ones for a while but please do start making any relevant changes to your existing listings as of now.

CRN East of England website:


CRN East of England Hub Home (for staff): 


General email address: 





@nihreoe (this remains the same as before)

If you follow us already you don't need to do anything, but if you're tagging us you will need to use the new @handle.

New local shared mailboxes

Here are the new single email points of contact for our CRN East of England teams:

Communications: crneoe.comms@nihr.ac.uk

Business Intelligence 

& EDGE Helpdesk: crneoe.bihelpdesk@nihr.ac.uk

Finance: crneoefinance@nnuh.nhs.uk

Industry: crneoe.industry@nihr.ac.uk

NIHR Hub Support: crneoe.hubsupport@nihr.ac.uk

Study Support Service: crneoe.studysupport@nihr.ac.uk

Training: crneoe.training@nihr.ac.uk

Wellbeing: crneoe.wellbeing@nihr.ac.uk

Our new logo

You can access our new logo here. It's also available on the Communications area of our CRN East of England Hub Home.

We will be making the relevant changes to all our platforms and resources over the coming weeks, but if you need anything urgently or have any questions please contact Esther Reeve, our Communications Manager at esther.reeve@nihr.ac.uk.