NIHR Online Store

The NIHR online store allows you to order a variety of materials to improve engagement, awareness and communication with staff, patients and the public. 

NIHR Marketing Materials

Our promotional material includes leaflets, flyers, banners, lanyards and questionnaires.  You can order all the relevant materials for Be Part of Research and Join Dementia Research for distribution at your organisation. 

Charges and payments

Most products are free -   however, there are delivery charges included with each order:

If you have any issues with your account or order, you can contact the suppliers at the University of Leeds Printers on 0113 343 2668.

A visual guide

1. On the home screen, use the login option on the top right corner. If you have not used the store before you will need to create an account. 

2. Upon login you will be shown the above page.  Select the campaign option you require. 

If you need to order materials from more than one campaign, you can do so on the same order. 

3. Once you have selected the relevant campaign you will be given a selection of materials to order. 

Each option will have a maximum quantity that can be requested on a single order.

4.  Input the quantity required and press order. This will place it in your basket. 

5.  When you have selected all you need, click on the basket icon on the top right hand corner of the page, then review your order and press proceed to checkout.

6.  When you are at the checkout page, confirm your delivery information and instructions and select 'proceed to payment' again. 

Here you may be asked to select a payment option, unless the items have no charge. Select whichever option has been authorised by your organisation. 

Finally select 'place my order'. You will then be given an order number, which can be used in reference to any follow up or issues. 

Delivering research to make patients, the NHS and social care, better