Social Care Project 

The Clinical Research Network (CRN) East of England is working to increase awareness of the support available from the NIHR to organisations conducting social care research. As part of this, CRN East of England is working with teams from the University of Hertfordshire and the University of Essex to deliver a series of regional workshops throughout 2020. 

Social Care Scoping Exercise 

Our social care project partnership will undertake a scoping exercise of key stakeholders involved in delivering social care/work research.

This exercise hopes to foster greater links between CRN East of England and key stakeholders in both practice and in academia, with a view to building networks.

Aims of the exercise:  

Two women talking

We need your help! 

We would like your help in identifying key social care and social work contacts in the region, including both providers of social care and academics involved in social care research. Please can you complete one of the below surveys to help provide a picture of social care research across the East of England region?

The surveys should take approximately 5 - 10 minutes to complete. They are geographically and regionally specific, so please check you are answering the one that is relevant to you.

Academic & Higher Education Institute Questionnaire 

Social Care Providers Survey

Thank you for taking the time to help the project. If you have any questions or would like further information please email Kayleigh Chester on

Delivering research to make patients, the NHS and social care, better