
Cucurbita pepo

Overview: A zucchini, also known as green squash, is a long, green type of fruit originating from Central America. It is a long, green fruit that is similar to a cucumber, except it tends to hold water, making it much more soft. It is considered to be a fruit due to the fact that fruit develops from the flower of a plant.

History: Zucchini has it's origin in Mesoamerica and is one of the largest of fruits and vegetables. It was also introduced into the "Old World's" cusisine following Columbus' voyage in 1492. Zucchini was developed in Italy around the 1800s and reintroduced to the United States in the 1920s. Today, many other countries use zucchini in the majority of their recepies.



General Information:

Planting Instructions:

Harvesting Instructions: