
Cucumis melo

Honeydew melon, or honeymelon, is a fruit that belongs to the melon species Cucumis melo. Honeydew is available world-wide and can by eaten by itself or used in desserts, salads, snacks, and soups.

Planting Information: Direct-seed 1 to 2 weeks after average last frost when soil is 70 F or warmer. Plant ½ inch deep, 6 seeds per hill, hills 4 to 6 feet apart; or 1 foot apart in rows 5 feet apart. Can plant at closer spacings if trellised. Thin to 2 to 3 plants per hill. Prefers warm, well-drained, soil, high in organic matter with pH 6.5 to 7.5. Consistent, plentiful moisture needed until fruit is about the size of a tennis ball. Soil temperatures below 50 F slow growth. Consider using black plastic and fabric row covers to speed soil warming. Sandy or light-textured soils that warm quickly in spring are best. Do NOT let it get dried out. Keep soil moist, but not soggy. Over-watering the plant can impact the taste negatively.

Growing Information: If you have long, hot growing seasons, melons can direct-seed into garden. If the hot weather seasons are short, make sure to use black or IRT plastic mulch to warm soil and use fabric row covers to protect plants.  For transplanting, sow seeds indoors ¼ inch deep in peat pots (2-inch square or bigger), 2 to 4 weeks before setting out. Plants should have one or two true leaves when transplanted. Transplant at same spacings as direct-seeded crops- 2 to 3 plants per hill in hills spaced 4 to 6 feet apart, or 1 to 2 feet apart in rows 5 feet apart. Transplants are delicate and roots are sensitive to disturbance. If you need to thin, use scissors. Keep soil intact around plant when transplanting. Once the plant reaches the size of a tennis ball, only water if the soil seems dry. To prevent damage from insects, place melons on wood or in pots. Full sun is required.

Harvesting Information: Takes about 65-86 days to be ready to harvest. Harvest honeydew melons when the end opposite the stem softens and the skin takes on a creamy yellow color. 

Uses: Honeydew is a great health-benefitting food. It is rich in nutrients, may reduce blood pressure, improve sugar control, support healthy skin, boost immune system, and much more. Not only is it very good for you, but it also is a delicious snack.

Fun Fact: California produces most of the honeydew sold in the U.S.