Blue Java Bananas

Musa acuminata x Musa balbisiana

Planting Instructions

Java seeds can be difficult to germinate so its best to soak seeds in water for 24 hours before planting. Be sure to keep soil warm (75- 85°F) and damp, and seeds should begin to germinate in 2-4 weeks.

Once seedlings have grown to about 7 inches tall, transport them into larger pots. Pots should be 24 inches in depth and 20 inches wide.

General Information

Plant Care & Maintenance 

The rhizomatic corm goes about 18 inches down before rooting begins. The rhizome produces a single main stalk called the false stem. This false stem forms the trunk of the plant/tree.

When about to fruit, a thick stem rises up. This is the true stem. A single large flower will develop from the true stem. From here, each petal will eventually begin to peel back creating shade for the small banana flowers underneath. Once the blue-tinted bananas appear and the petals stop opening, the remaining flowers can be removed so that the plant can focus its energy on the actual fruit. Its recommended that a bag made of floating row cover material is placed over the fruit to protect against pest damage.

The first main stem can take 1-2 years after planting to develop. Located around the plant, offshoots or pups will form from the corm. Once the bananas turn yellow, indicating they are ripe, the false stem can be cut back to the corm, allowing a pup to take over for the next growth spurt. In idea temperatures and sunlight levels, these plants can reach 12-15 feet tall.

Harvesting Seeds

It can take 4-5 months after fruiting before the plants become harvestable. Even then, blue java seeds are notoriously unreliable since the plants have been so deeply hybridized that they often become sterile. This is why even viable seeds have such a low germination rate. However, it is possible to divide off a pup from the corm and place it in a new location in which it will eventually grow into its own plant. This essentially means you’ve gone from one successful blue java plant to possibly two.

These bananas become harvestable when the blue tint fades away leaving only the light-mellow yellow tone behind. The petals on the ends will dry and crips signaling its time to harvest. Once the bananas at the top of the bunch have ripened (normally before the others), it is best to harvest the entire bunch at that time.

Miscellaneous Facts


Minnetonka Orchards. "Blue Java Banana Tree: Everything You Need to Know." 

Epic Gardening. "Blue Java Banana: How to Grow and Care for This Tree." 

Fast Growing Trees. "Ice Cream Banana Tree." Fast Growing Trees.