Eastern Red Bat

Lasiurus borealis 

Habitat: The Red Bat roosts individually in trees. When females have offspring, they will roost with their young. They will often use trees on the edges of forests or areas with shrubby borders. They prefer American elm trees. These bats will rarely live in caves or buildings. The red bat ranges across Pennsylvania.

Appearance:  A bright rusty coat and long, pointed wings distinguish this species. 

Size: Length is 3.7 to 4.8 inches; wingspread, 11.3 to 12.9 inches; and weight, 0.28 to 0.49 ounces. 

Activity:  Red bats start flying early in the evening.  They will prey on moths, flies, bugs, beetles, crickets and cicadas, which they take from air, foliage and ground. Strong fliers, red bats are considered migratory, although their patterns are little known. The sexes may migrate separately. Red bats start south in September or October, flying at night. They can withstand body temperatures as low as 23 degrees.

Life Cycle:  Females bear one to five young (usually two or three) in their treetop roosts. For the first few days, the young remain clinging to their mother when she flies out on hunts. Young are able to fly at three to four weeks, and are weaned when five to six weeks old. They can have a lifespan up to 12 years. 


Content:  PA Game Commission . (n.d.). Bats Wildlife Note. Pennsylvania Game Commission. https://www.pgc.pa.gov/Education/WildlifeNotesIndex/Pages/Bats.aspx.

Picture: Kentucky, University of. n.d. College of Ag, Food, and Environment. https://oepos.ca.uky.edu/content/eastern-red-bat.