Tricolor Bat

Perimyotis subflavus

AKA Pygmy Bat

Habitat: They are found throughout Pennsylvania, except in the southeastern corner. They roost in open woods near water, rock or cliff crevices, buildings and caves. 

Appearance:  Its fur is yellowish brown, darker on the back. The back hairs are tri-colored: gray at the base, then a band of yellowish brown, and dark brown at the tip. 

Size: Length is 2.9 to 3.5 inches; wingspread, 8.1 to 10.1 inches; weight, 0.14 to 0.25 ounces. 

Activity:  Tri-colored bats take wing early in the evening and make short, elliptical flights at treetop level. In summer, they live in open forests. Tri-coloreds eat flies, grain moths and other insects. They hibernate from September through April or early May, deep inside caves and away from the openings, in zones where the temperature is about 52 to 55 degrees. They sleep soundly, often dangling in the same spot for months. 

Life Cycle:  They breed in November, and young – usually two per litter – are born in June or July.  They can live 10-15 years.


Content:  PA Game Commission . (n.d.). Bats Wildlife Note. Pennsylvania Game Commission.

Picture: Fauna, OhioBiota: Discovering Ohio's Wild Flora and. n.d. Tri-colored bat.