Silver Haired Bat

Lasionycteris noctivagans

[Photo of Silver-Haired Bat] (2014). Retrieved from 

AKA the Silver-haired Bat

Habitat: Are commonly found in forests close to bodies of water, like rivers and streams. They enjoy willow, maple, and ash trees. During the winter they tend to find shelter in caves, rocky areas, and tree cavities. Overall though, they do not use human structures like sheds and garages for shelter. 

Appearance: They get their name from the silver or white tips found in their black fur. Their ears are rounded at the top and have dark brown to black wings and legs.

Size: Adults weigh between 8-11 grams and are from 9.5-11.5 centimeters tall, with a wingspan around 27-31 centimeters.

Activity: These bats are solitary animals that use echolocation to hunt. They will either hunt early in the evening or after other bats have become less active. Silver-haired bats like sleeping under loose bark and hollow cavities in trees. They hibernate in dry, warm places and only socialize and mate during migrations.

Lifecycle: Silver-haired bats breed in the fall only once, giving birth to one or two pups in the spring. Pups nurse only for 36 days until they become independent. Their lifespans range between 5-10 years but have been recorded around 12 years.

Bentley, J. 2017. "Lasionycteris noctivagans" (On-line), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed April 20, 2021 at 


[Photo of Silver-haired bat on Tree]. Retrieved from 

[Photo of Silver-haired bats]. Retrieved from