
   Fagopyrum esculentum

Overview: Buckwheat is a pseudocereal meaning that while the plant is a non-grass species it's fruit can be used similarly to cereals. It is a fast-growing crop found in northern temperate areas however can just as easily be grown in southern areas. It is the fastest seed producing grain crop making it a particularly good crop for places with short growing seasons. It is naturally gluten free and can be used in the same ways as other cereal grains like oats and wheat.

General Plant Information:

Planting Instructions: 

Growing Information: 



 Williams, G. A. P. (n.d.). How to grow buckwheat – mother earth news. Mother Earth News – The Original Guide To Living Wisely. Retrieved April 13, 2023, from https://www.motherearthnews.com/organic-gardening/how-to-grow-buckwheat-zmaz86mjzgoe/

Gould, K. (2021, October 19). Our guide to growing buckwheat: Plant care tips, varieties, and more. Treehugger. Retrieved April 13, 2023, from https://www.treehugger.com/buckwheat-plant-5111362#toc-how-to-plant-buckwheat

WebMD. (n.d.). Buckwheat: Overview, uses, side effects, precautions, interactions, dosing and reviews. WebMD. Retrieved April 13, 2023, from https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-15/buckwheat#:~:text=This%20flour%20can%20be%20used%20either%20as%20food,%E2%80%9Chardening%20of%20the%20arteries%20%E2%80%9D%20%28%20atherosclerosis%20%29.

Myers, R. (n.d.). Growing buckwheat for grain or cover crop use. University of Missouri Extension. Retrieved April 13, 2023, from https://extension.missouri.edu/publications/g4163