Mountie Wild Roots

Welcome to Mountie Wild Roots. This site is a showcase of Mountie student and faculty work. It includes, the Mount Aloysius College tree, wildflower and wildlife walk, as well as information on local bats and blue birds and an inventory of our seed lending libraries. 

This walk and website are meant to help guide visitors through our beautiful college by showing them common trees, wildflowers, and wildlife that we have on our campus. As you walk along and scan, the QR code will direct you to a brief description of the tree, wildflower or wildlife. 

The website is also meant to educate readers on bats, bluebirds, which are important contributors in many ways to our local ecosystem. 

The website also acts as an inventory of our seed lending libraries housed at the Portage Public Library and Bedford County Public Library. More information can be found under the seed lending library tab. 

The following students and faculty have contributed to this walk and website: