

                            All you need to know

North American Bluebird

Bluebirds are songbirds named for the bright blue feathers of the males. The soft whistle of their song is one of the earliest sounds of spring in North America. Bluebirds are in the thrush family, and they are related to other birds, such as thrushes, robins, and nightingales. There are three different types of bluebirds: the eastern bluebird, the western bluebird, and the mountain bluebird. The bluebird in North America is the Eastern Bluebird.

Our Birdhouses

In Fall 2022, two students (Karlie and Zalie) from Mount Aloysius College build and placed two birdhouses at the Ebensburg Reservoir in Ebensburg.  The birdhouses that we built are traditional Bluebird birdhouses that are made up of a box with four walls and then an overhanging roof. It will have an opening so that the bluebirds can enter and exit. It will also open from the side so that the nest box can be monitored. When a bluebird finds their own place to nest, they typically choose holes, such as in trees, fence posts, or nest boxes that people make.

Our Birdhouses

In Fall 2022, two students (Karlie and Zalie) from Mount Aloysius College build and placed two birdhouses in Ebensburg.  The birdhouses that we built are traditional Bluebird birdhouses that are made up of a box with four walls and then an overhanging roof. It will have an opening so that the bluebirds can enter and exit. It will also open from the side so that the nest box can be monitored. When a bluebird finds their own place to nest, they typically choose holes, such as in trees, fence posts, or nest boxes that people make.

Bluebird Preferred Environment: 

Bluebirds are found in fields, orchards, parks, and gardens. Eastern Bluebirds live in eastern Canada and the eastern United States. Many bluebirds avoid cold winters by flying south for the winter, some going as far as Mexico. 

Most Bluebirds are about 7 inches (18 centimeters) long. The males are mostly blue, while the females are mostly bluish gray. The males also have rusty-red colored breasts, while the females have dulled-orange color breasts. Bluebirds have slender bills which they use to eat insects and fruit. 

Fun Facts

Nesting typically occurs from March through August.

Their average litter size is about three to seven.

Bluebirds can live up to 10 years in the wild and in captivity.