Hoary Bat

Lasiurus cinereus

[Photo of Hoary bat] Retreieved from https://www.pamammalatlas.com/vespertilionidae/82- hoary-bat. 

Habitat: Hoary bats tend to roost in decidious or confier trees 12-40 feet above the ground. They tend to prefer conifer trees becaus they offer more protection. 

Appearance: Hoary bats are mainly dark brown, but they are covered with thick white fur. 

Size: Considered to be the largest bats of the east, the hoary is 5.1 to 5.9 inches long. It typically has a 14.6 to 16.4-inch wingspread and weighs 0.88 to 1.58 ounces.

Activity: Hoary bats are strong fliers that prey on smaller insects. When they choose to eat, they normally prey on moths, mosquitoes, and beeteles. In the winter months, Hoary bats migrate to warmer climates. In the spring, the bats return to have and care for their young. 

Lifecycle: Females typically have their young around mid May to early July. It is most common to have two pups, but some females may have up to four in their litter. Female bats give birth to their young while hanging in a tree. After birth, the pups grow rapidly and can hunt for themselves in as little as one month. Compared to other bats, hoary bats have a relatively short life span of only six to seven years in the wild. 


PA Game Commission . (n.d.). Bats Wildlife Note. Pennsylvania Game Commission. https://www.pgc.pa.gov/Education/WildlifeNotesIndex/Pages/Bats.aspx.