Bleeding Heart

Dicentra spectabilis

Seed Harvesting: Green (easy difficulty)

Growing: Grey (Moderate Difficulty)


Break dry pod and separate seeds 

Plant directly in the ground in the fall

Light moist soil

Bleeding hearts do not have many pests but the few they do have are aphids, scale, slugs, and snails.

 This flower does not look very attractive when not in bloom but has beautiful flowers when in bloom.

A Bleeding Heart is a flower that is native to Eastern Asia but was brought to England in 1810 but never established. Later on, in 1846, this plant became a common flower in homes.

Works Cited

“Bleeding Heart, Dicentra spectabilis – Wisconsin Horticulture.” Wisconsin Horticulture, Accessed 12 April 2023.

“Bleeding Heart: Plant Care & Growing Guide - Flowers.” The Spruce, 24 August 2022, Accessed 12 April 2023.

“Growing Bleeding Heart from Seed.” Melinda Myers, Accessed 12 April 2023.