The UNICEF Unite Program

By: Ava Scanna/ October 21, 2022

Giving back to the community and the communities that we are a part of is important to a lot of people. For me, it is a very important part of my life. If this is the same for you, you should join a new club we have at the high school called UNICEF Unite. 

UNICEF helps in educating, fundraising, and advocating for women and children throughout the world. We will be helping out our own community by volunteering and learning from the people in the community who live with many difficulties. 

This organization takes place all throughout the world and anyone can be a part of it. The more people we have participating, the more awareness we can spread about the rights of women and children in our community and the communities all around us. 

The UNICEF Unite program is important to our school because it is a youth started club that is based on the belief that high school and college students in the United States have a vital role to play as the voice for children everywhere. Our generation has a lot to say and we have the power to say it, and we should use our voices to fight for those who may not be able to.

One focus for this club is going to be an organization called Hope for Ariang. Ariang is located in South Sudan and the mission of this organization is to provide inclusive access to quality education. They do this by partnering with local communities to provide the best opportunities in education for children and youth through a holistic approach. 

We sometimes take our education for granted in our school. People complain about being here everyday, but because of our education we have many opportunities that many children in South Sudan may never get. If we have a chance to help those kids get an education, we should do everything we can to help. 

For this club, in order to help, we will be raising money and educating people about the importance of this organization. “The mission that we would like to pursue is to create prosperous and empowered communities in South Sudan where every man, woman, and child has access to education, leadership, social, and economic opportunities (Hope For Ariang Editors)”. 

If you want to learn more about the organization visit the link below.
