Spreading Positivity with the Liverpool High School Kindness Club

Started four years ago, the Kindness Club strives to spread positivity and kindness throughout Liverpool High School in simple ways. This club was first created by Judy Flick, a now retired chemistry teacher, and is now run by Dr. Sara Ledwith, an English teacher, and Rebecca Knox, a TA, at Liverpool High School. Ledwith says “it was very important to keep the club going even after Flick retired so we didn’t lose the message.”

Ledwith, the co-adviser of the Kindness Club, says “kindness to others is one of the most important qualities to nourish. I want all students to feel welcome, appreciated and cared for, and a little kindness can go a long way.” So far this year, the club has posted motivational sticky notes around the school and in the girls bathrooms and they are now working on cards to send to retirement homes for the holidays.

The club is inspired by the Random Acts of Kindness idea and has been focused on “Light up LHS with Kindness” this month where they participate in daily acts of kindness every day of December. These acts can be as simple as complimenting five people, reaching out to someone you’ve missed, or making someone laugh. According to Knox, “community and kindness can make people more comfortable to just be here after the craziness the pandemic has created in everyone's lives.”

This club is open to grades 9-12, and they only meet a few times a month, so there’s no big commitment. “I thoroughly enjoy having an impact on our community and spreading a little bit of kindness to make LHS a happier place” says Angelina Gagliardi, a senior member of the club.

To anyone interested in joining the club to help spread kindness, the classroom code is 62xblqa!