Meet The Marching Warriors

Introducing The Fall 2022 Liverpool Marching Warriors

By: Janet Conklin / September 22, 2022

The Liverpool marching warriors have officially started their 2022 season! They took second place against CNS this past Saturday.

The marching band went undefeated last year as well as being the 2021 state champions. This year's show is called “Seasons of Change". The concept behind it is essentially that each season is different than what you would normally pair it with. For example, spring would be a more harsh and bitter selection instead of nice and pretty, to model spring here in upstate New York. The marching band will be playing short segments of songs like “watermelon sugar” and “September”. 

After talking with Drum Major Aiden Loyd it sounds like they have a great show in place for this season once again! Aiden states “For this season I’m excited to have the opportunity to be drum major again. I’m looking forward to our competitions each week, and it’s honestly a super rewarding  thing to be able to watch as our group progresses throughout the weeks that we perform. I’m very excited for our two trips down to Metlife stadium, as we haven't been able to go on any out of state trips since my freshman year, due to covid”.

We are wishing our warriors luck as they travel to Baldwinsville this Saturday at 6:00. Here’s to a great season!