Next GTA Game is REAL!!! 

We are so back.

Jason Diego


The next Grand Theft Auto. - Unknown

On the morning of November 8, 2023, Rockstar Games posted on their X/Twitter, Instagram, and official website ( that they will be releasing the first ever trailer for the next GTA early next month. The night before, Jason Schreier, a reporter at Bloomberg said that Rockstar Games had plans to reveal it very soon, and that a trailer would come in December. Unlike other reports and leaks on a GTA trailer, this was one of very few reports that had weight to it, and it was later proven to be true. 

Expectations are extremely high for the next Grand Theft Auto game. It has been 10 years since GTA V, and people have been asking for more, especially on their Instagram comments. Promotions for GTA Online events would be flooded with “when GTA 6?”. 

“We are very excited to let you know that in early December, we will release the first trailer for the next Grand Theft Auto. We look forward to many more years of sharing these experiences with all of you.”, Rockstar Games said on social media and their website. The specific tweet announcing the trailer has over 1.4 million likes, 329 thousand retweets, 152 thousand quotes, and 151 million views, becoming the most viewed gaming tweet on X/Twitter. The Instagram post has 2,547,000 likes. 

While there isn’t a concrete trailer date, there is speculation that it might be shown at The Game Awards on December 7. Geoff Keighley, the host of The Game Awards, is somewhat hinting at this idea, even though it is a stretch. When Jason Schreier first reported that Rockstar’s planning to announce the next GTA, Keighley tweeted “30 days until #TheGameAwards on December 7.”. All we can do is wait until December.
