Weekly Review 1/3/24

Happy New Year!

Welcome back!

After any long break teachers and staff often spend time reviewing school expectations and agreements.  Can you name our agreements?  Can your child?  (I hope so!). Here they are:

(A full breakdown of our values and responses at White River School can be seen in our handbook or here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1b9ZeJaupc1PyFcVt2h2vqaE6ebj-UyGpkLt54eOi70Y/edit?usp=sharing

We celebrate these values and agreements at every All School Meeting with Hawk-Warts Letters.  Our next assembly is tomorrow @ 8 AM.

On a related note


ON JANUARY 19th, the WRS Band will perform for us at ALL SCHOOL MEETING in the gym at starting at 8 AM.  You are welcome to come see their first performance of the year!

WRS JAN Lunch.pdf

When to stay home, when to get to school:

Unless your child is considered truant (Federal definition is >10 days absent) then the following guidelines should be used when deciding whether or not to send your child to school. 

It has been confusing over the past few years, this makes it a little easier to understand!

If you have any questions you can always reach out to Nurse Streeter:  streeterc@hartfordschools.net 

Stay Home Guide Nurse Lisa