Weekly Review 12/16/21

Survey Results

Results of Volunteering question-.  We appreciate the offers to help.  The most desired volunteer opportunities were for off hours and photo copying.  I will reach out with details once we work out a system for this!

Texting- The second question asked about your desire to communicate via text messages, both to and from WRS.  100% of people who took the survey were interested in this.  So let's try it!  There is a free program called "Remind App".  It allows us to create a school and class accounts.  Click the link below to sign up.  Any family that signs up by January will get at least 1 private photo text message of their child hard at work at least once a week!


It really is easy to sign up, so, give it a try.  This pilot program will not take the place of our Weekly Reviews or Robo calls at this time, this is just an additional way to communicate.



Hello families, two quick reminders.

Every child should come to school wearing a mask and have 1-2 spare masks in their backpack.  Unfortunately, we have been going through disposable masks at an unsustainable rate (over 50 a day). We do have a few reusable ones we can send home with students for you to keep, wash, and reuse.  Tomorrow we will check in with students to see if they need masks.  Then next week we will have a sticker drive, any student who comes to school with a mask AND has a clean spare in their backpack will get a sticker!

Drop Off

Just a reminder, tardy time is 8:05.

If you do not see a school staff standing at the gate and it is after 8:05, that means your child is tardy and will need to be brought to the main office and signed in by an adult.  It is a safety hazard to drop your student off and have them come to the office on their own when no school staff are on duty outside.

Upcoming Dates:

Wednesday, Dec 22nd-  Last Day of School before December Break (12/23-1/3)

Monday, January 3rd- School Resumes
