Weekly Review 1/19/21

Global School Play Day

February 2nd, 2022

On Wednesday, February 2nd, we'll join schools around the world in Global School Playday.  This will be our 3rd year participating.  We believe that this is an extremely important day of learning.

Yes, learning.  

It has three simple rules:

In our world, especially Covid world, the available interactions students have had with other kids has been somewhat limited--and in places where it isn't limited it is often controlled by the adults (think organized sports).  This is a disservice to children as they do not gain the necessary experience and skills to deal with conflict, boredom, and discomfort.  We do explicitly teach these skills through our Second Step Program, but the application is often lacking.  Here is a day to do this!  

Classes will have meetings before and after their playtime to process and cement their learning.  

Here is a video explaining more about the "Why" of Global Playday.  

Upcoming PTA Meeting- Tonight January 20th!

Join us 6:30 PM on Thursday January 20th for a PTA meeting on Google Meets:

WRS PTA Meeting

Thursday, January 20 · 6:30 – 7:30pm

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: https://meet.google.com/xti-pnfp-zjv

Or dial: ‪(US) +1 931-299-3882‬ PIN: ‪617 157 801‬#

HSD BIPOC Family Group

Please click the link for information and dates of the next meetings!
