Weekly Review 1/12/24

Winter Sports Permission Forms:

All forms went home today confirming winter sport choices for K-5 students.  Please get these back to school tomorrow!

Sorry, no changes-- if students didn't have a form filled out-- we had to make a guess.

For Downhill Skiers/Snowboarders --Rental link Only:


White River Family Letter.pdf

Anxiety Puppet Show!

Next week students will be viewing puppet shows and talks that help gain skills around coping with anxiety.  See the full description to the left.

Related Arts Highlight!

Each week we will be highlighting what has been happening in Related Arts Classes.  Check back each week to see what your child is learning!

World Cultures:

This week we finished up a unit on fairytales. Although week 1 focused on Cinderella, week 2 saw us reading The Princess and the Pea (Peru), 2 versions of The Billy Goats Gruff (Switzerland) and Conejito (Panama). We worked on 'retelling' stories through making props to help us (the Billy Goat's bridge) as well as diary entries written from the perspective of different characters (the queen in the Princess and the pea and the troll in the Three Billy Goats.) 

PreK also explored Jack and the Beanstalk and practiced counting and numbers  as well as sequencing the Billy Goats story. 

Next focus will be on 'clothes'.

Homework is coming... dun dun daaaaaaa!

Inspired by our last community conversation, we are re-stating homework as a method of communication (and some practice).

Starting next week students will get a simple sheet letting you know what they are learning and what they HAVE learned along with a few practice  Homework assignments for ELA (reading), Math, and SEL (social-emotional).  The challenge shouldn't take more than 20 minutes total for the week, but the activities can be extended if you or your child want to do more of it.  

Our goal, as a school community, would be to get 100% participation.  We'll have a weekly scorecard to see how close to the goal we're getting!

(At our next Community Event in early March we'll debrief and see how this experiment is going)

Next week's SEL homework is Balloon Breathing (See below)!  Mrs. Flanagan taught the students this mindfulness strategy to help soothe big feelings.  Have your children try it out two times next week! (preferably when they are calm, it's hard to practice new things when you are upset). Once you know the process you don't need the model anymore and can do this activity on any surface.  The intentional focus on breath and tactile feedback is sends coming signals to the brain!

PTA Meeting tonight @ 6:30 in Library.

NO SCHOOL MONDAY- January 15th-- Dr. Martin Luther King Junior Day