Meet Me Joshua Land

Senior Statement

My name is Joshua Land. I am a senior at Giles High School. There are many reasons why I would say I dislike school. But as I say what I dislike, keep in mind that there are also many things I could say about why I enjoy school.

First off, I would say I overall dislike school. Not this school specifically, but more of all the school systems. My main reason for saying this is because we learn so little that actually applies to everyday life. Many people would say they dislike school because “they get in trouble for dumb things.” Now let me be honest, I used to be one of those people. Then I realized that they weren’t dumb for getting me in trouble, as I did it to myself.

As much as I dislike school, there are also many reasons why I enjoy it. To say the very least, you do learn some things that COULD prove useful, depending on your occupation. Also, many of the teachers help you to learn and they are also very nice. Like this year, my teachers were helping me to get better grades, so I could graduate on time.

Finally, throughout my years in high school, I have noticed how much disrespect teachers and students get from others. So I wish the best of life to all of my peers in high school. You guys won't be seeing me much after graduation or I should say, in about a year and a half now. All I can really say is I apologize to the ones I’ve disrespected, and I wish you the best of luck in the future.