Blog Kaidyn Giles

All About Life

Hi, I’m Kaidyn! I am sixteen years old. I was born in Salem, Virginia, but I live in Pearisburg, Virginia. My main hobby is getting out with my dog. There’s not much about me that I can say in this part to not give away the whole idea, so I’m just going to get to it.

It has been a long year. We have been in this quarantine thing for a year now and I just now think that I am getting used to it. It doesn’t feel like it has been a whole year to me, at least. This all started the spring of my sophomore year. Now I'm a senior and you’re probably wondering, how are you a senior when you were a sophomore a year ago? Well, let me tell you.

After I passed my sophomore year, that summer I requested to be able to graduate early. It wasn’t easy convincing them because they didn’t get it somehow. So I was still a junior at the beginning of this year's school year. Then I asked again and they were more than willing to let me graduate early because I tend to keep good grades. It wasn’t an easy decision because I would be missing out on all of the senior things I would be doing with my original classmates. But in the end, I think that I have made the right decision because I get a head start on what I am wanting to do in life. I think that is amazing.

Although I find it wonderful that I can start earlier in my career, it has also given me a lot of stress and nervousness on how well I can handle things. I work a part-time job and I am a fully virtual student. This might seem like it would be easier, but in reality, it isn’t. I thought that it would be easier too, but I was wrong.

I have many responsibilities I have to get done as a young adult. This can make getting my job and school work done difficult at times. I do tend to get it done most of the time, but there are some times that it doesn’t happen until a later date. I am still trying to figure out ways to help with getting everything completed, even after a full year of this. I still haven’t gotten it fully down, but I think it's the effort that counts.